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Hoping that you enjoy visiting the website of Kim Kobow, based near Elkhorn, California in Rural North Monterey County ...dba,
RETIRED ..... but here to assist you ..... whether it be to find a new farrier for your fine steed or to assist one of the great farriers in our community with a problem pertaining to a clients's horse. Please ....don't hesitate to call me........ I am so very happy to help if I can.
This "website" is gonna be brand new very, very soon. My old site needed to be replaced with one more fitting to my place in the equine world today. The "new site" is being assembled as of November 27, 2024. Please be patient as you return from time to time .... someday soon, it will be completed...... with the hopes that it will be informative and at the same time assist any and all with whatever their needs might be as we take care of our equine friends.
This "website" is gonna be brand new very, very soon. My old site needed to be replaced with one more fitting to my place in the equine world today. The "new site" is being assembled as of November 27, 2024. Please be patient as you return from time to time .... someday soon, it will be completed...... with the hopes that it will be informative and at the same time assist any and all with whatever their needs might be as we take care of our equine friends.
- Graduated from Gavilan Junior College ...... in 1975
- Completed the Specialized Course for Farriers
- Apprenticed or Trained under Five Highly Respected Professional Farriers over the years. Additionally, my belief in "continued education" has placed me in attendance at dozens of seminars and clinics where I studied under some of the best in this vocation.
Professional experience
I have over 45 years of experience as a farrier. My practice includes working with horses from many a background. Some were Performance Horses, shown in either the Western Horse Show world or possibly those following the Hunter / Jumper or English style of riding. Sometimes the horses that I visited were work horses used in a ranch setting.
I have worked with a multitude of Veterinarians as we collaborated together to resolve many a lameness issue. Success in that arena brings about a special satisfaction.
Most enjoyable were those situations that involved just good horse owners that merely enjoyed the company of their great equine companion.